Tuesday, May 14, 2013

favorite things from the Sisters trip 2013

I have to start this post by saying my absolute favorite thing on our Sister Trips is always time with two of the coolest women on the planet!

Other favorites, in no particular order are:

  • the darling children receiving guests at the pilgrimage
  • the child portraits at all so many of the houses

  • discovering a blueberry farm on the way to St. Francisville


love letter from General Quitman to his wife framed and hung on a wall in his study and a similarly framed and hung red bandana the general used to rally his troops  on the battlefield.




the resurrection fern at monmouth



@ Oakland

the children's school room was my favorite of all.

elegant quilts and other needlework made by an aunt of the owner.

@  Longwood

A cradle basket swing

Longwood's onion dome

@ Selma

We loved it that that you can see the Natchez Trace
in the distance from the front porch

and Miss Mimi's "selma blue" kitchen.





@ the House on Ellicott Hill

the gorgeous Irish crystal chandelier in the parlor
the crewelwork on the bedding
the trunk by the bed with nailhead initials of its owner on the lid


@ Stanton Hall

The four voyages of life paintings by Thomas Cole in the great Hall
caught my attention years ago and hold it still.

@ Green Leaves

the Jib windows
 the china thought to have been painted by John James Audubon
the brother and sister portrait in the gallery






@ Hope Farm

@ Rosalie







@ many of the homes

the old paris china

The nurseries

looking at all the classic children's things at the children's shop in Natchez and in St. Francisville
visiting the original Darby's (always) and having a slice of their world famous fudge.
visiting Darby's new furniture store across the street and having a nice, nostalgic visit with the proproetor.

the clock face on the grandfather clock

the view of th Mississippi River and across to Louisiana from the porch


In St. Francisville

the may pole dancers


My favorite things about Rosedown start before we even arrive at the house
The pretty drive down to the entrance is where I start.
Then there is that spectacular view of the house from the road, with the canopy of trees, reaching across from either side to meet in the middle.
Inside: I love the previously blogged about foyer
a needlepoint screen that came to the house by a near relative of George and Martha Washington who married into the family.
the narrow, dark servant stairs leading from the butlers pantry to the upstairs bedrooms, unchanged to serve as a reminder of the life of house servants.
the gorgeous view down the allee from the front porch


@ the Restaurants where we dined

The biscuits at the Carriage House were as good as ever.

the gorgeous wall coverings in the homes

Trip bonuses

Kelly's Kids... moving to Texas. Unbenownst to us ...Last trip to the outlet.

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