Sunday, May 19, 2013

I love the King's kids

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 Our children's church is called "Kings Kids." We are on the list of folks who volunteer to do story time, music and crafts with kiddos while their parents are in "big church."
It is great fun. Sometimes I think I have as much (or more)  fun than the kids do. The Hub is a wonderful helper and a kid magnet. Various other relatives will step up and help us. Yesterday, we had our baby daughter home and able to help.
The story is one of my favorites: the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors. The theme was kindness and certainly Joseph is exemplifies that trait. Our memory verse was "Be ye kind, one to another." That is the first verse I ever learned as a child, so it was fun to be able to teach it to these little ones. We used chenille stems to decorate a paper coat and colored a picture to look like stained glass window.
All day today, a statement Joseph made to his brothers has been running through my mind. His words, recorded in Genesis 50:20, assured them that the things that had happened to him might have been intended for evil, but God had used them for good.
I hope that every little soul at King's Kids yesterday went away with knowing that the same thing that is true for the Joseph of old is true for all of us.  I love King's Kids.

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