Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturdays at Home

I am sitting here, as I write this, in my pajamas. it is a few minutes after noon and I have no where I have to be until 6 or so this evening.
There is cuticle cream on my hands. There is a lavender/chamomile candle burning on the table in front of me. It is blissfully quiet.
Only the sound of the chain saw outside being used by the Hub to remove the last vestiges of a monster tree we lost over the winter interrupts the silence.
I am sipping a cup of coffee that the Hub made before he set about his work outside.
I love Saturdays at home.

My contact with the outside world is limited to a brief telephone conversation with one of my dad's first cousins about family pictures and an chatted online with a friend to get a progress report on someone we both know who was recently injured in an accident. I have kept only my own company and that of the three lap dogs currently charged to my care.
I love Saturdays at home.

There is laundry going in both the washer and dryer.  A grocery list I've begun for the coming week and the lessons for children's church tomorrow are spread out on the table beside me. I can work on both at my leisure.
There is yard work I could do before more rain sets in. I might do that in a few minutes. Or I might take a nap instead.
I just love Saturdays at home.

I have spent a little time on Pinterest. I have done some online shopping for upcoming birthdays. There are some graduation gifts on my desk in the kitchen I will wrap at some point. Some more work on my blog or some virtual farming might be in my immediate future. I could read some of this month's issue of Southern Living or the new book I downloaded to my Kindle. There are lots of options and plenty of time.
That's why I love Saturdays at home.

There are some vintage jewelry parts I intend to use to make a necklace and some seed pearls I want to string for my grandbaby.
Most days my schedule is tight and inflexible. But not on Saturday. At least not on Saturdays like this one.

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