Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Karen the Good

I have often heard my sister tell her children, "in every situation, you can either make things better or make them worse. You should always try to make them better."
She takes her own advice. She makes things better. Always, just by being there.
Her grandchildren went to Walt Disney World last week. My sister, their Nana, flew down to meet them a few days into their trip.
Their mother asked them what the best thing about the trip was. Reid, who is five, said "when Nana came."

My eldest daughter calls her "Kitty" for reasons none of us are really sure of.
Our other sister and I call her Karen the Good, though she doesn't really like for us to.
I am always amazed when I consider that she never tattled on me. Ever.

We call my middle sister Karen the Good but we are not supposed to. What I mean but that is that she doesn't like for us to. She is, for the most part, quiet and humble, much unlike the other two of us.
She is, well, good.
Three other admirable traits of hers are as follows:
prudence, politeness and pluck.
Are those good or what?!

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