Tuesday, May 28, 2013

how to write good

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I have a minor degree in English. I was a journalist for many years. Not that you would know it, perhaps, if you read certain posts from this blog. I still time to write, not that I have a profession that required only technical and serious writing.
I know the heading on the notice above should read "How to Write Well" but it so perfectly sums up most of the grammatical and other rules I now routinely break that I wanted to post it here.
I retrieved it from the Facebook page of my cousin, Eva, who also happens to be my first pen pal.
She and I began writing letters to each other many, many moons ago. At first, we wrote about things like the Beatles and "Dark Shadows" and lime sherbet. Later we shared news of our relatives and our lives. During my newspaper years, she often proof read things for me and gave me constructive criticism.
Though I periodically send her a card or trinket, most of our communication now is electronic.  It seems fitting, then, that she would agree to help me stay within the perimeters of the rules she posted by editing blog posts for me when she has the time.
Since she is on summer break from her job teaching and is not having to grade papers or prepare her students for academic competitions, I don't feel so bad about asking her to edit me.
I can hardly wait to read her observations and criticisms. Anyone who reads this blog should appreciate her work, too. It is certain to be better for her involvement!

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