Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cracker Barrel Diva

When the grandbaby was still young enough  for us to need to eat where we could get things like up green beans and mashed potatoes for her, she developed a love for the Cracker Barrel restaurant. That the Cracker Barrel also has a gift shop with cool toys and clothes cemented her love for the place. Add to that the fact that the restaurant is located near enough to her Granny and Pop Buzz's house that they can meet us there often and you have a Wednesday night tradition.
At least once a month, we try to do do the Cracker Barrel thing. The grandbaby usually spends Wednesday nights with us because her older sister has a late in the evening dance class.  My little chicken is an early to bed, early to rise kind of girl, so we can get her fed, bathed and to bed well before it could happen at her house with her Sissy's dance schedule.
If we time things welll enough, we can be at the Cracker Barrel early enough to have dinner and then let her "shop" a bit before we head home for the bath and bedtime.
That is what was going on in the photo above.
She had just about as much fun trying on things and hamming it up and it looks like!

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