Monday, May 27, 2013

He's led us, right by the hand, all the way

Shortly before my paternal Grandfather was called home, he did a rather amazing thing. My grandmother told me the story not long after he was gone. I have carried the story in my heart for a long time. I wanted to share it now with the readers of this blog.
He'd been ill for some time. His illness and the treatments for that illness had zapped him of his 
One of the last photos I had taken with my
 sweet Pawpaw before he left for Home.
strength. He was not able to keep down even his favorite foods.  He slept fitfully.
Just he and my Grandmother were in the home they'd shared for more than a half century. He was sitting in his favorite chair. She was busy in the kitchen adjacent to the room where he rested. She heard him speaking and tried to answer. When he did not respond immediately she went to him and asked if he needed something. He opened his eyes but did not really look at her, she said. Instead, he looked beyond her at something in the distance, or so it seemed to her.
What he said to her, as it was repeated to me, I will never forget.  "He's led us, right by the hand, all the way," he said.
He was gone not long after making that statement. Through it, he left this granddaughter, with great hope of the same. No, with great assurance.

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