Wednesday, May 15, 2013

On Tuesdays, I blog

For the past few years, I have lunched on Tuesdays with my baby sister. Her office was down the street from mine, making it possible for us to have a fairly firmly placed ritual of Tuesday lunch.
Recently, she went to work in an office too far away from mine to make it impracticable (if not impossible) for us to lunch together.
To replace this void in my life and in my schedule, I decided to spend my lunch hour on Tuesdays working on this blog.
Up to now I've stolen time to blog.
I have grabbed ten minutes here and fifteen there and so much so that the whole thing has been disjointed.
I have decided to use fill my void with the chance to remedy the need for designated time to work record my ponderings, mullings and musings.
Once upon a time I was writer by trade. Before that, even, I was a writer by chance and choice.
I served on the newspaper staff of my junior high, high school and college newspapers.
My college major was journalism and after I graduated I wrote for several publications waiting on the hub to graduate a five year engineering program.
Still later, I found journalism to be a good profession for a mother of three whose husband traveled.
I could usually arrange my work schedule around my children's.
One of the things that I was proudest of is that I don't think I never missed a deadline.
The press crew did not have to wait on me that I remember.
There was one year that my oldest daughter had three major surgeries in three months. Making deadlines from a hospital several hundred miles from my home and job was a challenge.
I recall once sending an article by fascimile from the nursery of a  hospital while a baby boy was being circumcised in the next room. When I called to make sure the fax went through, the person at the newspaper office on the other end wanted to know what in the world was going on where I was.
That baby was screaming so that they feared someone was killing him rather than performing a medical procedure. I was proud of myself for being conscientious but the lengths that I went to because something of a joke around the newsroom.
One cannot be that invested in a profession and not miss it.
I moved on to another profession some time ago.
Still, I found that I missed writing. A longtime friend and former fellow college newspaper editor recommended I take up blogging. I expressed to her that I missed  writing, having done so much for so long. She was the second friend who'd made the suggestion. I prevailed upon one of my nieces to help me get started.
The recent loss of my Tuesday lunch partner convinced me to ramp it up some. So from yesterday forward, on Tuesdays, I blog!

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