Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Boz Box

Several years ago, my sister-in-law bought my grandbaby some cd's that she immediately fell in love with.  She told us, at the time, that the character, a big green bear named "Boz" was a special favorite of her own grandchild, who is just  a few weeks older than ours. She predicted that Boz would be as big a hit with our grandbaby as with hers.
Fast forward to the present day, when the  sister-in-law's prediction has long since proved true. My G'baby loves Boz. In particular, she loves the very first Boz cd she ever watched.
It is a Christmas story. In the story, the family the big green bear lives beside has a tradition of drawing names from a special box on Christmas Eve. The family includes Boz in their drawing. Once the names are exchanged each person have just a short while to come up with a "gift" for the person whose name they have.
The dad in the series gives his son a toy he himself loved as a child.
The grandpa gets the promise of sidewalks shoveled.
The grandma knits the series namesake a "Boz-sized" scarf.
My grandbaby has watched this gift exchange over and over but never seems to tire of it.

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