Thursday, January 9, 2014

spinning in circles

I don't honestly remember whose idea it was for my grandbaby to spin in circles during a photo session at our house a few months ago.
The photographer, who will someday be my niece as she is engaged to be married to one of my handsome nephews, is great with kids.
She is known for catching the kids playing and doing happy things and thereby capturing sweet expressions that yield amazing photographs. 
That is what happened in this case.
It was a happy accident for my part: this darling picture above.
I intended a formal portrait. That is all I wanted from the session, really. I wanted one last photo of her before she began losing baby teeth and her appearance began to change. She had one loose one at the time. She has since lost two. We made it just in time.
I got my formal portrait but did not ultimately use it for our family Christmas card. Instead, I used the one of her twirling.
The grandbaby likes to spin and twirl, especially when she has on a full dress that will spin and flow with her movement.
It makes her happy. Her happy shows in the photo. And it became what just might be my favorite Christmas card ever.

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