Tuesday, January 28, 2014

earbobs and pocketbooks

The grandbaby got her ears pierces a few weeks ago. It took some getting used to for me to see her wearing earrings. It makes her seem so grown up to me.
I had adjusted (somewhat) to the small studs they used where she got her ears pierced. Since then, every time I see her, she has on a different pair.
She picks them out herself. Most of them are very groovy.
The pair she had on last night when we swung by her house for a kiss before bedtime were particularly groovy.
I asked,"where'd you get those fancy 'earbobs'?" I asked her.
"Why do you call them that?" she asked me.
Well... I am old school. Can't seem to help myself. I also catch myself saying I am going to the "market" when I mean "grocery store" and I call my purse my "pocketbook." I say "tissue" and hankie" for "kleenex."
I remember thinking my own grandmothers and grandfathers and great aunts and uncles used funny terms to describe things.  It humored and annoyed me at the same time. I imagine that is what my grandbaby is feeling these days...humored and annoyed.
Or maybe just annoyed.

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