Tuesday, January 14, 2014

drowsy little grand dog

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My daughter's dog, who just turned two, has spent quite a lot of time with me and the Hub of late. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, she was in residence at our house as her Mistress studied for d finals and then was on Christmas break between semesters. We got real accustomed to having her with us and I think she became accustomed to being with us.
I had about as many instructions for her care and keeping as I  would expect if I were keeping an infant. A human infant, I mean.
One of those instructions involves(d) holding her while she is drowsy. It seems she likes to be cuddled when she's sleepy. The other, older dogs at our house, the ones that live there full time were not at all excited about the Hub and I allowing this little encroacher into their domain, much less our snuggling with her.
It made for interesting times.
It's real quiet now that she has gone back to her own home. The canines in residence, though, don't seem to mind at all.

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