Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Puffy tacos

One upon a time there was a girl,well, she actually a young woman,  whose eyes locked across a campfire at a church youth event with a boy, who actually was a young man. Shy smiles but few words were exchanged that evening between the two.
A week later, there was what could not really be characterized as a date. The two went together to get a Dr. Pepper and drove around for a bit. It was not much longer than required for everyone else who was driving around to see them together.
Another week would find the two on their first real date. An El Chico restaurant some thirty minutes away was the second best place to see and be seen.
But that night, the two only had eyes for each other. The salsa and chips and relish and  puffy tacos the place is famous for were largely ignored. So were all the other patrons.
The two have been dining at El Chico ever since that night. She always has the puffy tacos. He always begins the meal with the relish and tortillas, whatever else he may order for his meal.
For her, at least, it is always a reminder, being in that setting, of their first date and their first meal together.
It is unclear what he thinks. But I plan to ask him tonight.

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