Thursday, January 9, 2014

O Tannebaum

The Hub, the grandbaby and I decorated the tree last night. This may be about as late as we have ever gotten it up. 
I was waiting on the baby daughter to get home from law school for the Christmas break. We discussed when her busy social calendar and being caught up on sleep after finals would accomodate her participation. We settled on a Tuesday night, last night. Alas, things did not work out with her schedule and given mine, ours, I was not willing to wait any longer. 

The grandbaby came over to help after her art class and ended up getting to  stay the night.
We worked on the tree both before and after her bath. 
There were breaks in between the ornaments and the tinsel for her to show me the progress in a dance she is working on for a competition duet.
We used a nutcracker theme, since she attended live ballet for the first time this weekend at a production of the "Nutcracker."
I was pleased with the result of our labors but not as much so as the Hub. 
If this year's Christmas card is my favorite ever, we can mark him down as favoring this year's tree.
"I honestly think it is the prettiest we've ever had," he said.
And I think he meant it. 

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