Saturday, January 25, 2014

planning a grand trip

It is January and I am already dreaming of vacation. Maybe because it is January, I am dreaming of vacation. 
Here is what I am wishing for/ dreaming of: a great niece and nephew tour.
The way I feel about my nieces and nephews is fairly well documented.
I don't see any of them nearly enough. 
Some of them I don't see even remotely enough, due to the distance which separates them from me.
On vacation this year, I would like to remedy that.
I would like to take a trip and plan the stops according to the locations of my grand nieces and nephews.
I have the route in mind.
I would like, even, on the return trip, to swing by and see certain friends I don't see nearly enough of.
But that trip is for another blog post...

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