Sunday, January 5, 2014

LOTR Monopoly

Last night we had a lovely dinner in front of the fireplace for New Years. The baby daughter cooked a longtime family favorite.  
Then we broke out the last cheese apple and bottle of sparkling cider and set up the new game of Monopoly given to us by friends for Christmas.
It is the Lord of the Rings Edition.
The grandbaby, who spent the night last night, played on a "team" with her aunt. The Hub and I were on our own. We played the short version the Hub read in the instructions (who does that, other than an engineer?!) 
It took a little getting used to, having the mythical  beasts rather than railroads and caves and kingdoms rather than streets and avenues.
It just seemed weird buying houses for Barad Dur.
This morning it occurs to me that it may be just the opposite for the grandbaby.
So far as I know, she has never played Monopoly before. She doesn't know about Park Avenue or taking a "Ride on the Reading." Will that seem odd to her now that Monopoly, as she knows it, is played with Gandalf's hat and the crown of the King of Gondor rather than an old fashioned shoe or iron?
Maybe we have erred, as folks err when letting children hunt and peck on a keyboard before they learn proper placement of fingers on a keyboard?

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