Sunday, January 5, 2014

shopping fun

I was determined to use certain gift cards I received for Christmas before the baby daughter goes back to school for Spring semester. She's been my personal shopper since she was very young.
She started picking out her own clothes when she was a toddler. She had very strong opinions about her clothes (as with most things.)
In undergraduate school, she worked at a clothing store. I didn't even need to shop for clothes during that period of time, as she would bring things to me, purchased with her discount. They almost always fit perfectly and suited me.
It would follow then, that I would become dependent upon her advice when it came to clothes. Plus, we always have a grand time. We had dinner at a restaurant that is a sentimental favorite.
Next we tried on shoes. I was looking for a particular kind of socks. As we passed through the accessory department, we couldn't resist the urge to try on hats.
That's what was going on in the photo above. We were so shop worn as to be punchy by then.
I am not sure which of us would have won the hat contest had we proclaimed one.  That is something I definitely want to remember to do next time we go shopping. 

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