Thursday, June 27, 2013

familyisms ... as promised!

Ready or not... here they come!
The familyisms I have promised to provide readers of this blog.

In preparation, I sent the following message to members of the family:

you are cordially invited (read urged, pleaded with, etc) to be a guest on my brilliant blog "ponderings, mullings and musings" where I am preparing to do a summer series called "familyisms." This is something I have contemplated for a long time as I want to preserve our stories the way I wish we had preserved the ones our aunts and uncles and grandparents told us. please help me with this by sending me a short (or long) missive about your favorite familyism(s). and soon. please. thank you. again
My niece Mica responded first, recollecting her own phrase from long ago when she climbed to the top of her Aunt Karen's Christmas tree and saying "it's America!" when she probably meant "miracle." We still say "It's America!"
My middle sister was the next to respond with the quote,  "Don't worry bout it Seth don't worry bout it."  Seth was a preschooler at the time, walked into his cousin's bathroom to find her in there and hooted "woo woo."
The reply above was born at that moment.
My baby sister's favorite:
When her son Grayson, who is almost nine, upon being served apply fritters sprinkled with powdered sugar at a local restaurant, asked "Are those albino hush puppies?"
She also quoted our brother-in-law's pet phrase regarding our sister, his wife of 30+. It goes like this "Karen don't love nobody but Jesus."
Our nephew Kassidy made a statement about his mom  once that we will never forget. He said "she really doesn't cuss...but when she does, she hits you too."
Not to be outdone, one of his cousins countered: "If my Dad is yelling up the stairs he's not too mad but if climbs them,  someone's getting a spanking."

Another Familyism about Dads "My dad's the boss at my house" said one cousin," My dad's the boss of the TV remote" said another.
My baby daughter's favorites: the time her sister a younger cousin that we'd gotten her Christmas present at Toys R Us. Said the cousin, who was about aged two, "Amy didn't go to Toys is Us did'er?"

And the baby daughter likes her own statement upon going to dinner with a sorority sister of her cousin, Kelli Ann.

Emily:" oh my goodness I'm so full (after eating 1 chicken strip)"
The baby daughter says she replied " girl, pass that on down cause we eat in this family and this isn't even a holiday."
Kelli Ann says that her Granny always putting put kids inside buckets to play when they were babies.
She once asked her son,  Reid if he'd had a good time visit his great-grandmother. His response " it was tun tun tun!"
Maybe you can tell by these stories that we have a ton of fun when we are together.

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