Friday, June 7, 2013

Lost things

At any given time, I could be looking for calendar or my wallet or my keys or my Kindle. One of the ways I know my stress level needs to decrease is that I began to lose things.

Those kinds of things I usually always find. Some things, I have not.
My lost things include:
a certain navy blue pea coat with toggle buttons, lost while trick-or-treating on a cold Halloween night sometime in the late1960's.
Books I have loaned out and never gotten back.
More single shoes than I can count. I am not really sure how that happens.
What is worse than losing things, though, is having them stolen.
Our house was burglarized some years ago and all the hunting rifles and other guns handed down from my dad and my husbands dad, and our grandfathers were stolen.
All of my jewelry was taken, including a beautiful amethyst  ring set in platinum that my mother-in-law had made for me. My girls' add-a-pearl necklaces, given to them as babies, were taken, as were their charm bracelets. We had collected charms on every vacation taken and most every special occasion. The losses were sad, Though these things are indeed just things, they had a lot of memories attached to them and value derived more from those who gave them to us than anything else.
I have this thought, often, that somehow these things will make their way back to us. I wonder if we might not find them, sometime, we way I find my keys or calendar.
I am no longer stressed about the loss but I am courage by the thought of them coming back into my possession. All except the blue pea coat. I seriously doubt it would still fit me.

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