Thursday, June 6, 2013

One of the good guys

My nephew Trey is one of the good guys.
He graduated last Thursday night. He plans to attend the University of Oklahoma in the fall. This makes his OU alumni auntie so happy.
Watching him grow up has been a great privilege. He is quite a fella. I always call him "one of the good guys."
As indeed he is.

He cried for three months straight when he was born.
so far as I know, he's never really cried since.

When he spots me in a restaurant, a stadium, in any crowd, he will come straight to me with a hig and a kiss. He has never found that to be awkward and I lap it up.

He has a quiet gentle nature. Except on the football field. Watching him play through his school years is another great privilege.

He is the favorite cousin. Testament again to his sweet nature.
A classmate recently said of him "Everybody loves Trey."
See there.
 That is why I call him one of the good guys.
He is.

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