Friday, June 14, 2013

The most amazing woman/women on the planet

I have two sisters.
One of them is gregarious, engaging, witty and very, very social.
The other is reserved, fairly quiet much of the time,  studious and cerebral.
I have often said if I want to know where my children are on any given issue, I determine which of their aunts they go to.
If it is to the one sister, they need someone to lay it right out for them. If it is to the other sister, the need someone to listen and console, it is the other.
One of them is the spice in our family. The other is the sugar. I like both. Sugar and spice. And I love both of my sisters immensely.
If I could be like either of them I would be like both at the same time.
If you were to put my sisters in a paper bag and shake it up, what you would pour out would be a perfect woman.  I am certain of it. They are each so close to that already that if you were to combine them: there she's be, the most amazing woman on the planet.

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