Thursday, June 13, 2013

finishing what i've started

I am still working on my summer bucket list.
We are 12 days into June so, once again, I am running behind.
One thing I intend to accomplish is finishing certain projects I have in various stages of completion.

A border around my little kitchen garden is at the top of the list. I also need to plant some day lilies and peonies that have been sitting in the same place for too long. I went ahead and put my Grandbaby's garden boots and gloves out where I could see them so I would be cued when she is over to visit next to have her help me with these tasks.

 I've got quilts cut out and ready to be sewn together that just need some quiet evenings when the grandbaby is not there to "help." I am thinking I might watch Seasons 2 & 3 of Downton Abbey while I sew.
There are a ton of photos that need to be sorted and organized to use in scrapbook projects.

There will still be certain chores to do. Among them:
sorting through my email inboxes
deleting photos not useful for much of anything
laminating newspaper clippings and notes other memorabilia

but if I had these projects complete, my outlook (not to mention my craft room) would certainly look better.

There is always some closet or drawer that needs cleaned out at my house. These kind of things I refuse to put on my bucket list as they can never really be crossed off.

Then there are the outdoor projects- some sprucing up and painting long over due. Tidying the shed.
Oh, and proof reading/editing this blog. Some lists are never complete.

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