Thursday, June 6, 2013

scary movies

When:  the late 1970's.
Who: my middle sister and I
Where: living room at our house
What: a scary movie

My sister and I  were watching one the few channels available the big old console TV.
In those days, there were no videos or cd's to watch. Flipping through the channels didn't take too long as there were not that many of them.
We came upon this movie that looked like it would be good. There were some motorcycle riders in the desert. We thought they were cute. We started watching the movie.
Next thing I know, there are these demonic looking creatures with wings flying around.
I wanted to turn if off but as I recall my little sister called me a coward, so I couldn't turn off the TV or walk out of the room. Even years later I was scared of the Gargoyles in Paris because of that movie by the same name.
Not so long ago, I came across a copy of the movie and rewatched it. It was not that scary at all. A lot has changed in that time. Not just with us and with television. Technology has made great strides. The realism  of those old movies leaves something to be desired. They leave little to be afraid of.Once in college I was studying for finals and had the television on just to muffle the sounds so I could concentrate. At some point, rapid movement caught my attention and when I looked up, there were creatures attacking a car. Flash back to Gargoyles.
A scene in the videos, as scary as the creatures flying across the desert mountains is the scene where one lands on top of a station wagon careening along.
This stuff was serously scary to me.
By the time I had my first child and was up at night to feed her, it seems like more often than not, a movie called "Swamp Thing" was on tv. At first it scared me terribly, too, but after watching it time after time, I got somewhat immune. Not that I ever became a fan of scary movies. I am not. I doubt I ever will be.

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