Wednesday, June 19, 2013


My mother-in-law has been on my mind quite a lot lately. Probably because my youngest child reminds me so much of her. Or maybe it is because my eldest child misses her so much and talks about her constantly when we are together.
She was one of a kind.
A force to be reckoned with.
She was a mother badger. She was fiercely protective of her children and grandchildren.
Much like her son.
Like other of our family, she had some great one-liners. Some were original to her and some were Southern phrases she collected throughout her life.
Maxie-isms is what I call them.
I asked some friends and family to share their favorite of her phrases recently.
Here is what I got.
"spit and swallow it" is my sister-in-law's favorite. Her Mama would said this most often when we were traveling and someone said they were hungry before she deemed it time to stop and eat.
"you can give your heart to God because your behind is mine" was her most dire threat. Several family members, including her grandson Cole and niece Carolyn, cited this one as their favorite.
My personal favorite "a little paint helps anything... old cars, old barns, old women."
I've heard her repeat that phrase more times than I can count.
There was a stool in the master bedroom closet/dressing area where my father-in-law sat to put on his shoes. I often sat there while she put on her makeup and we visited. She never failed to use that phrase as she stood there looking in the mirror dressing for the day or some event.
These days I think of that phrase almost every time I stand looking in the mirror as I am getting ready to go out into the world.
She was right. It fits.
Like most everything else she ever said.

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