Tuesday, June 18, 2013


My brother-in-law, who we call Kelbo, is rather famous for his sayings.
He is one of the quickest witted people I know.  He is also brilliant. And insightful. and more than a little ingenius; so much so that we also call him "McGuyver." He can out figure and out do even a fictional character sometimes.
He is an oil man and a successful one. That is not surprise give the above noted attributes. He is also one of the hardest working folk you could find. Add all of that together, and you have the makings of a reality television series that would rival anything currently on any of the bazillion channels where reality tv is a big hit.
My nephew Kassidy already has the plot written in his head. We have discussed it and we all agree it would be a run away hit.
He has a name for the sitcom. There is material far beyond a pilot episode and well into a second series.
His famous phrases, let's call these one liner's "Kelboisms" are not just the stuff of familyisms, they are the stuff of legend.
Here are some of my favorites:
In response to certain circumstances he often responds, "it ain't no good thing."
When my great nephew was born, my niece wondered what would happen if there were a mix up at the hospital and she ended up with the wrong baby. Responded her Dad/Kelbo "if that's not yours its still the one you want."
In reference to his son, Kassidy, the eventual writer of the tv series about his dad, he has said "the only thing wrong with Bubba is that he wasn't twins."
The last two of these are just plain sweet. He means them.

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