Monday, June 17, 2013

what will get you kilt

My baby sister grew up in a time when idle threats were permissible. Back then no one locked doors or worried much about the things that have become our daily reality.
This is how I shall explain her political incorrectness on some occasions.
Specifically, she has always used a phrase that I quite certain is politicially incorrect. This day and time it could even get her in  trouble. Still she uses it.
I am blogging about it because it is funny when she uses it and funny that she doesn't care.
"Don't you mean some sthing that will get you hurt?" I asked.
"No," she answered back. "I am talking about things that will get you kilt."
I think it is spelled "k-i-l-t."

Here is just a portion of  her list:
taking someone's french fries
talking about someone's mama
messing with someone's kids
messing with someone's money
and especially, messing with someone's kids and money.
If I don't get "kilt" for writing this, I might add some more of her list later.

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