Thursday, June 13, 2013

wednesday nights this summer

Last Wednesday night my Grandbaby wanted to eat spaghetti on a tray in my bed and I let her. Spoiling children is what grandmothers are supposed to do, after all.
She says that spaghetti makes her heart happy. Watching Disney movies with her makes my heart happy. We have settled into a summer Wednesday night tradition. Disney classics and a menu that matches the film du jour.
Next week I am thinking "Tangled" and angel hair pasta. I want her little heart to be happy as often as possible. From there, our imaginations might just run wild.
I am thinking:
Cinderella and pumpkin muffins
Mulan and moo goo gai pan
Bambi and a spring salad

I am more than a little excited at the prospects. I'll be posting pictures as our plans come to be!

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