Thursday, June 13, 2013

how to build a monster

I've seen them. up close and personal.
They are scary:  these beasts of rage and immaturity.
You have seen them, too. I am certain of it.
 I am not talking about creatures from a movie or on a video game.
I am talking about real live creatures who turn into monsters at the first "no!"
I am talking about the beasts who defy all authority and lack respect for themselves and anyone else.
How are these beasts created? I have wondered this often.
How do you build a monster?
I have been paying attention and I think I have some ideas.

You start with at least one enabler. This would be someone who buys whatever the beast sells. They don't have to be family, though I think that helps. They don't have to be gullible or naïve; though they often are.
Next you add someone who gives to the beast with both hands and expects nothing in return. This does not have to be a person. This could be some entity or organization. As long as the beast wants it, believes they are entitled to it, and get it, the particulars don't matter so much.
If the beast is well coddled, he will grow. If the beast's ego is stroked insincerely, it will grow, as well.
That's as much as I have figured out though I am intent on learning more.
I have identified some folks who seem to experts.
At some point, I hope to author (or at least edit) a book on the subject.
I aleady have a title. It's the same as this blog post, "How to Build a Monster."
I think I will invited to some of those who seem particularly good at it to guest write chapters.
I am predicting it to be a runaway best seller.

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