Sunday, June 9, 2013

marry me?

It is about time I added some romance to this blog.
My nephew Jon-Michael has given me the perfect opportunity.
Yesterday, on a trip to Chicago, he got down on one knee and proposed  in the middle of a public square to his sweetheart of a dozen or so years.
We'd all been sworn to secrecy. My sister let me in on the secret some days ago. She, my brother-in-law and youngest nephew drove all night with the mother of the bride to be in tow to be present, albeit inconspicuously, for the proposal.
It was supposed to take place around 3 o'clock  p.m. Chicago time. When were still waiting for word that she'd said "yes" some four hours later, I began to get antsy. I texted my niece. "Any word?"
I knew she'd know if anyone would. "Nope" came the answer. My Mom hadn't heard. My other sister had not heard. the suspense was killing us.
The mother of the would-be groom finally texted us a picture of her and the father of the would-be groom with the caption, "we are waiting and we are cold."
I left them alone after that but time surely crawled until the picture above came across the screen.
It was followed by one showing pure bliss on their faces. She's waited a long time for the question.
We are all thrilled she answer in the affirmative.
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