Tuesday, April 16, 2013

hunting expedition tradition


a book bag for my law student baby daughter

an Easter dress for Buttons (the one in the middle photo
with the bows on either side is the one she settled on)

For the second year in a row, we spent a part of the limited time we had on our Sisters Trip looking for items to take back home to our darlings.

Last year in Italy, we searched high and low for a sword for the youngest of my handsome nephews that would be realistic enough to satisfy and 8 year old but would pass customs and security on the return trip. We also had a diaper bag and a receiving blanket to wrap the baby sister's first grandbaby in upon his arrival.
We also hunting for a toy store we'd seen while on a tour of  the campos inVenice but never were able to find it again despite the help of maps on our phones, in our bags, a consierge, a postman, a street vendor and almost anyone else we could engage. We even had a picture we took as we passed by but to no avail. The grandgirls did not get Italian baby dolls and the boys did not get the toy gladiator soldiers from either the gift shop at the Museum Capitoline or the lost toy store.
We did help locate a lost child as we were attempting to retrace our steps. We discovered that a maternal reprimand looks much the same in Italian as it does in English.

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