Wednesday, April 10, 2013

the iris chair

This chair now sits in my office. There is a book open on it to prevent (hopefully) folks from sitting down on it. If they do, they might get punctured by a spring. It needs refinished but until I find someone who is extremely masterful and trustworthy, it won't be.
I am being this particular for a number of reasons:
1. the chair belonged originally to my Grandmother.
2. I have many wonderful memories attached to it.
3. the chair was given, on the death of my Grandmother, to her sweet friend Iris. This was because, in Grandma's words "that is where Iris always sits when she comes to visit."
4. to chair came back to me last week via Iris' daughter.
My grandmother and her sweet friend Iris were exemplary women who lived to ripe old ages and contributed richly to the lives of those around them.
I intend to blog about both of them further but this blog is about the chair that has come to me throughthem.
I am thrilled to have it. I love the print it wears. I have no intention on changing it. I do intent to find a restoration upholsterer who can remove the velvet patterned cover, fix the springs and refinish the wood, insert new stuffing and then put the fabric back on without ruining it.

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