Thursday, April 4, 2013

"Gwandad, I am too comfy to move"

My grandbaby has been saying that she was going to start sleeping in the room adjacent to ours, rather than with the Hub and I for a lot time now. Most nights that she spends at our house, right up to bath time, she talks about it. By the time teeth are brushed and bedtime stories are read and prayers are said, she has changed her mind completely.
I asked her the other day, when she was finally going to do it. The room she would sleep in is all set up with her aunts' dolls and books as well as her own. A big doll house, fully furnished.
I set up slipper chair that belonged to my mother-in-law, with a throw and a side table for me to read to her from.  Her clothes are in the closet and the bureau. Lace curtains at the window. It is a pretty room and she loves it. But she has still never slept one night in there.
She has never mentioned boogie men or monsters under the bed the way my kids did. Instead, she just says straight out, "your bed is comfy."
And so it is. I can't argue with the child. Some days, the hardest thing I do all day is climb out of that comfy bed to face the world.
One recent morning, the Hub was trying to rouse us both up to greet the day. He is an early riser by nature and does not quite get why I am not. He thought his granddaughter was going to be an early riser, too. Actually, she was for a time. But it seems she outgrew it. My mother says pretty much the same thing about me. (She also says that as far as she knows, I have never slept through the night one time in my life. Also probably true!)
I laughed out loud when the Hub/Granddad said to my darling grandbaby, "you have got to get up. You have school today." She opened one eye, turned to look at him through it and said "Gwandad, I am too comfy to move.

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