Tuesday, April 30, 2013

J.J. Audubon

I brought a puzzle home from our trip to the Hub. Other than southern jellies, there wasn't really a lot else I thought he'd like.
It features many of the birds from John James Audubon's Bird of America Series.
It's been slow going with our schedules.
We worked on the edge pieces a couple of nights in front of the fire place.
The grandbaby has helped and as we've assembled the pieces, I have read to hear from our volume of the Audubon book, purchased years ago on a family trip to New Orleans. We have discussed which of Audubon's bird paintings are our favorites.
As much as I love the herons and cranes, the doves are my all time favorites.
The Hub loves the wild turkey.
My girls always favored the brown pelican.  That is likely because of their deep Louisiana roots and the fact that the pelican is the state bird of their home state.
Their brother has liked the mockingbird since he was a little boy. I think he likes that particular painting, not because of

the birds but because of the rattle snake Audubon painted in the tree with them.
That particular painting scares the rest of us. Take a glance at it below and you will see why!

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