Tuesday, April 9, 2013

waiting for dinner

Posted by Picasa One of the highlights of the Sisters trip this year was to be dinner at the Restaurant 1818 located in the two parlor rooms of the main house at Monmouth.
We decided months in advance that the time and money spent to enjoy a five course meal would be worthwhile. Little did we know...
We walked the few steps from the General's study after finishing our mint juleps to discover an amazing musician playing the piano in the wide beautiful main hall where we waited for our table.
We were admiring, for the second time that day, the gorgeous Zuber wallpaper when we made another discovery. The bridal party from the wedding we missed earlier in the evening was having dinner in the dining room, adjacent to the parlors.
As we were waiting, the pretty bride came through on her way to the powder room and graciously agreed to allow her us to photograph her with our camera phones. She made one of the prettiest
brides I have ever seen. And that dress...
I wanted a picture of that dress to take with me and show to my daughter in the hope that someday she might select something similar for her wedding.
And that just describes the wait before dinner.

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