Monday, April 8, 2013

Breakfast at the Eola

Posted by Picasa If breakfast is the most important meal of the day then where one breaks one's fast would be equally important. I could think of no place better in Natchez or maybe anywhere else, to break fast than the dining room on the Eola.
The dining room is located through an entry way of gorgeous furniture, paintings, statues and other great period pieces including soldier vases that are taller than I am.
I love to stay at the Eola and we almost did. Baby Sister, however, decided that to stay at one of the antebellum homes was preferrable. I didn't argue. After all, this trip was pretty much hers to plan. I get my turn next trip.
I did strongly suggest we eat breakfast our first morning in Natchez at the Eola. The coffee, the grits, the setting, were all just as wonderful in deed as they have remained in my memory.
We sat where we could see the fountain in the courtyard just outside.
It was a great start to a really good day.


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