Sunday, April 21, 2013

Good times in Natchez

Natchez is a place near and dear to my heart. I've made lots of good memories there.
On the recent trip there with my sisters I added to those memories and I have blogged about them extensively.
Here are some other favorite memories:

One  December our little family of five spent Christmas eve taking a carriage ride (the closest thing we could think of to a one horse open sleigh.) Our favorite carriage driver, Glen, drove us through Natchez, with cups of hot chocolate warming our hands and warm throws covering our laps. We sang carols to the clip clopping sound of the horse on the streets. We did some last minute shopping at Darby's and waited for it to grow dark enough to see the Christmas lights before we headed for home.

Another time, a friend and I took our Girl Scout daughters in the Spring of the year to see the flora and fauna. Carriage house, carriage ride, Darby's, Kelly's kids... we did all the obligatory Natchez things. On the way home, we stopped along the way to cut palmettos by the side of the road for the Palm Sunday service at church the next day.
Problem was, I only had a pair of manicure scissors and the shoulder of the road was quite narrow.
The stalks of palmettos are thick and sharp. Several big trucks almost blew me into the swamp and scared the little girls waiting in the vehicle, to say nothing of the driving.
I did not get near as many branches for the children to carry into the sanctuary for Palm Sunday, but I did learn a good lesson. Always be prepared.  As a Girl Scout Leader, I should have already know that!

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