Sunday, April 21, 2013

Easter egg colors

My girls picked out their own Easter things this year. We were right down to the wire and on the day before the three of us went out in search of frocks for them to wear to church and to the family events following. The baby daughter's beau showed up looking for the world like an Easter egg. I am pretty sure I gasped allowed when I saw him coming through the gate so much did I approve of his attire.
I was thrilled when they both picked out pretty pastels. When they were little, I loved dressing them in soft, feminine things.
My sisters and I spent more than a little time on our trip a few weeks ago settling on outfits for their grandchildren for Easter and upcoming birthday portraits.
Picture texts went back and forth all weekend.
What we ended up with were Easter egg colored garments, too.
It was hard work. At one point we were trading phones around as batteries died and had to be recharged. We took measurements across several states but the end product made it well worth it. They were darling in their little Easter egg colored things.
A bonus: the sisters also bought portrait outfits for our darlings to be photographed in for their birthdays.
I'll be posting those pix, hopefully, one day real soon.

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