Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The gardens at Rosedown

The gardens at Rosedown are not famous for no reason...they are extraordinary. Daniel Turnbull and his bride returned from their European honeymoon  determined to replicate the gardens they saw on what amounted to the grand tour.
The area of Louisiana was a good place for that endeavoe with its subtropical climate. Their success has endured for generations and no small number of natural disasters.
My nephew described them, as we were making the turn onto the driveway as "glorious." And so they are...especially in the early springtime.
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Mrs. Turnbull kept a diary of her labors for some 60 years. I downloaded an annotated copy to my Kindle and enjoying it immensely. Her gardening legacy is so extensive and so rich that during some lean times in the history of her family, subsequent generations were able to sustain themselves and the home she built with her husband by selling cuttings from her gardens.

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