Tuesday, April 9, 2013

destination new orleans

If I have my way, the Sisters and I will be visiting the places on the subway sign above by this time next year. I plan to lobby for Jazz Fest, for as many times as I have been to New Orleans, I have never been during Jazz fest.
There was a time when I was able to spend time in the crescent city visiting museums and antique shops at my leisure. I am not sure my sisters have ever had the pleasure.
New Orleans has been a stop over for them enroute to some other place or as a port of call on a cruise ship. There are parts of the city, my favorite parts, in fact, that one cannot enjoy with husbands and kiddos in tow.
Those are the parts I want us to visit... and soon.
I am working on my arguments to sell them on the idea. I'll let you know how it goes!

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